Force Perspectives: A Star Wars Podcast

S9E5 -Skeleton Crew - Episode 6

Mike and Joe discuss the sixth episode of the Disney+ series, Star Wars Skeleton Crew

Mike and Joe are back from the World Between Worlds and this time they're discussing the sixth episode of the Disney+ series, Skeleton Crew, "Zero Friends Again."

What's radder, the new Onyx Cinder or the giant stop-motion crab monster? Join us on Discord or let us know on social media!

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S9E4 -Skeleton Crew - Episode 5

Mike and Joe discuss the fifth episode of the Disney+ series, Star Wars Skeleton Crew

Mike and Joe are back from the World Between Worlds and this time they're discussing the fifth episode of the Disney+ series, Skeleton Crew, "You Have a Lot to Learn About Pirates."

What's the verdict? Is Jack a jedi or not? Join us on Discord or let us know on social media!

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S9E3 -Skeleton Crew - Episode 4

Mike and Joe discuss the fourth episode of the Disney+ series, Star Wars Skeleton Crew

Mike and Joe are back from the World Between Worlds and this time they're discussing the fourth episode of Skeleton Crew, "Can't Say I Remember No At Attin."

How in love with Neel are you? Join us on Discord or let us know on social media!

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S9E2 -Skeleton Crew - Episode 3

Join Mike, Joe, and Kyle for a discussion of the third episode of Skeleton Crew!

Mike and Joe are back from the World Between Worlds and this time they're discussing the third episode of Skeleton Crew, once again joined by Kyle from Rebel Cels!

What do you think; is Jack a pirate or a jedi? Join us on Discord or let us know on social media!

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S9E1 -Skeleton Crew - Episode 1 & 2

Mike, Kyle, and Joe review the premiere episodes of Skeleton Crew

Mike and Joe are back from the World Between Worlds and this time they're discussing the first two episodes of the Disney+ series, Skeleton Crew, joined by Kyle from Rebel Cels!

What did you think of the premiere episodes? Join us on Discord or let us know on social media!

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S8E17 -In Motion is the Future

What Star Wars project are you most looking forward to in 2025?

Mike and Joe are back from the World Between Worlds and this time they're discussing what they're looking forward to from Star Wars in 2025 and beyond, including Skeleton Crew, Andor, Star Wars Visions, and potential announcements at Celebration Japan.

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S8E16 -Best Star Wars Mediums Pt. II

The answer makes so much sense... from a certain point of view.

Mike and Joe are back from the World Between Worlds to continue their conversation about which medium is the best for telling Star Wars stories. Which format will win in the end? Hint: It's not interactive CD-ROM infotainment.

What's your favourite Star Wars story? Join us on Discord or let us know on social media!

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S8E15 -Best Star Wars Mediums Pt. I

Are video games the best way to tell Star Wars stories?

Mike and Joe are back from the World Between Worlds and this time they're discussing the best mediums to tell Star Wars stories in. And no, it's not movies!

What's your favourite kind of Star Wars story? Join us on Discord or let us know on social media!

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S8E14 -Collecting in a Galaxy Far, Far Away

Mike and Joe talk about their favourite Star Wars toys and what they're on the hunt for.

Mike and Joe are back from the World Between Worlds and this time they're discussing their favourite Star Wars toys, what they love about collecting, and the state of current Star Wars toys like Micro Galaxy Squadron and Hasbro's Black Series.

What's your favourite toy in your Star Wars collection? Join us on Discord or let us know on social media!

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S8E13 -Our Favourite Original Trilogy Characters

Who are the best characters of the Original Trilogy... from a certain point of view?

Mike and Joe are back from the World Between Worlds and this time they're discussing their favourite character from the Original Trilogy... from a certain point of view.

Who is your favourite character from the OT? Join us on Discord or let us know on social media!

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